一般財団法人 ハイネセン多文化支援財団 / Heinessen Multicultural Support Foundation
一般財団法人 ハイネセン多文化支援財団 General Incorporated Foundation Heinessen Multicultural Support Foundation
Business hours: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (月-金曜日/From Mon to Fri)
2025年度 大学生等奨学金 募集要項
ハイネセン多文化支援財団 2025年度 大学生等奨学金 募集要項 General Incorporated Foundation Heinessen Multicultural Support Foundation Terms of Solicitation for College Scholarship in Year 2025
General Incorporated Foundation Heinessen Multicultural Support Foundation hereby solicitate students for its scholarship program with the aim to support students who, in the future, will bridge Japan and European countries as a Japanese lawyer and/or patent attorney in Japan.
応募期間/ Application Period
2025年4月1日~2025年5月31日 From 1 April 2025 until 31 May 2025
応募資格/Scholarship Eligibility
ヨーロッパに所在する国の高等学校に相当する学校で日本に設立された学校の卒業生のうち、 ・日本の大学若しくは専門職大学院に在籍する者 ・日本の大学若しくは専門職大学院に進学するための予備校に在籍する者 ・日本の弁護士又は弁理士資格取得のための予備校に在籍する者 (国籍要件はありません) Students who are graduates of schools equivalent to high schools in European countries that are established in Japan: and attend: ・a Japanese college, university or professional graduate school; or ・a preparatory school to enter a Japanese college, university or professional graduate school; or ・a preparatory school to obtain a qualification as an attorney-at-law or patent attorney. (No nationality requirements)
給付対象者数/Number of Scholarship Recipients
2名 Two
奨学金の給付内容/Details of Scholarship Benefits
(1)給付金額:月額5万~10万円(各奨学生の経済状況や就学等に要する費用により本財団の理事会により給付金額を決定する) Amount of Benefits: JPY50,000 – JPY100,000 per month. The Board of Directors of the Foundation will decide the amount of grant considering the financial circumstances and expenses for school of each scholarship recipient.
(2)奨学金の種類:返済不要型 Type of Scholarship: Non-repayment type.
(3)給付期間:最短修業期間中(但し、予備校に在籍する者については最大3年とし、再応募を認めます。) Term of Benefits: During the minimum period for graduation (however, the term of benefits for students enrolled in a preparatory school shall be three years at maximum, and they may reapply).
奨学生の選考方法・選考スケジュール/Selection Process of Scholarship and Timeline
選考プロセス/Selection Process
2025年5月-6月 May 2025 – June 2025
第一次審査:理事会による書類審査 First-round Selection: Document review by the Board of Directors
2025年7月–2025年8月 July 2025 – August 2025
第二次審査:理事会による面接 Second-round Selection: Interviews by the Board of Directors
2025年9月上旬 Early September 2025
最終選考:理事会による最終決定 Final decision of the scholarship recipients by the Board of Directors
選考基準/Selection Standards
学業意欲旺盛、品行方正でありながら、経済的理由により学業の継続が困難と認められるもの Students who are academically motivated and have good conduct, but are recognized as having difficulty continuing their studies due to financial reasons.
複数の言語を操り、複数の文化を理解・実践できる日本の弁護士又は弁理士を志すもの Students who aspire to become Japanese attorneys-at-law or patent attorneys who are fluent in multiple languages and able to understand and practice in multiple cultures.
選考書類/Selection Documents
・エントリーシート(フォームのダウンロードはこちらから:PDF) Entry Sheet: Please download the format here: PDF.
・成績証明書(直近の成績証明書) Latest transcript of grades
・小論文(日本語)「将来の目指す道、その将来の実現方法」(文字数は問いません) Short essay titled “The path you want to take in the future and how to achieve that future” (in Japanese) (any number of characters)
・収入証明(源泉徴収票、年金受給証明書、確定申告の写しなど) Proof of income (e.g. copy of withholding certificate, annuity certificate or tax return)
・個人情報の取扱いに関する同意書:(PDF) Consent letter regarding handling personal information, the format of which can be downloaded here: PDF.
The Foundation will require the scholarship recipients every year to submit their school grade transcripts and attend scholarship student exchange meetings. As a post-grant requirement, if the scholarship recipient passes the examination for attorneys-at-law or patent attorneys, they will be obligated to hold study groups or seminars to teach study methods and/or know-how (on a weekly basis, remote attendance is possible) and attend scholarship student exchange meetings.
その他生活支援及び活動/Supporting Activities Incidental to Scholarships
Upon request from scholarship recipients, the Foundation will coordinate from time-to-time consultation opportunities for consulting with attorneys-at-law or patent attorneys regarding study methods for those qualifications and counseling with them on future career paths. The Foundation will arrange for exchange meetings for scholarship recipients sometime around November of each year.
The Foundation may stop or terminate the scholarship program if scholarship recipients: (1)fail to perform the duties of scholarship recipients; or (2)fail to meet the selection standards.
個人情報の取扱いについて/Privacy Policy
個人情報の取扱いについては、こちらをご覧下さい。 For the privacy policy, please see here.
※If you find difficulty in the above application method, please send all the selection documents by post to the following address. It must be postmarked by 31 May 2025. The Foundation do not accept the documents delivered in person.
General Incorporated Foundation Heinessen Multicultural Support Foundation C/O Sonderhoff & Einsel Law and Patent Office Shin-Marunouchi Center Bldg. 18F, 1-6-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005, Japan Tel: +81-3-6665-9871